Wednesday, 20 May 2015

HDFS: JobTracker

  • JobTracker take the request and process that data into HDFS.
  • JobTracker cant talk to DataNode but it can talk to NameNode.
  • What JobTracker say to DataNode in layman's language 
"Hey NameNode, I have a client with a file name File.txt and he wanted me to process his file & give its output to 'testoutput' directory by running a program lets say of 10 KB( on File.txt"
AND "I don't know which block or what should I take to process my request, so give me the details of my request or send me the MataData".
  • Now NameNode will check the file name of File.txt (Is it there or not?).
  • If the file is there, then NameNode simply sends the MataData of that cluster to JobTracker.
  • Now JobTracker select the nearest hardware from the 3 replicas(from the hardwares having 3 copies of same data) to upload the task(10 KB code) of processing.
  • Input Split is the set of blocks, whose combination forms a File which is supposed to store in HDFS. For Eg: If there is a file of 200 MB and we have 64 MB of block each then the file will be stored in 192(3 blocks) and 8(1 block and left with 56 MB).
  • File to store in HDFS is known as Input.
  • Uploading the program(code) into the block is known as MAP.
  • Number of Input Splits = Number of Maps
  • Each DataNode has its own TaskTracker.
  • TaskTracker is further used by JobTracker. JobTracker gives the task to TaskTracker.
  • TaskTracker job is to find the nearest DataNode to fetch the data from it and compile the request of the client which was assigned to JobTracker by the client.
  • If the data is not found in one of the replica then the task will be assigned to another TaskTracker of other replica.

HDFS: NameNode

  • NameNode is also known as Single Point Failure.
  • Lets say 3 replicas copies are shared among the local DataNodes(DN) and each DataNode acknowledge back to its previous or linked DataNode (that it has received the replica of the file and is stored to its local disk).
  • Every DataNode will give block report or heartbeat to NameNode
  • There is a data called MataData in which name of the files and where their replicas are stored has written.
  • If this MataData is anyhow lost, then there is no use of Hadoop or we can say we wont be able to get the benefits of Hadoop. Entered cluster will be inaccessable and the HDFS will not be working for that Cluster.
  • MataData is stored in the NameNode Hard disk only.
  • NameNode generally maintains communication with Cheap Hardware, but its better to maintain it with high reliable Hardware.
  • In the cluster to store data, we generally creates a block of big size lets say 64MB instead of 4KB sized block(default size). Why?? Because whenever there enters a file into a block of 4KB there would a log produced in the MataData and this is how all 4 KB blocks will produce the log into MataData file. But if we make a block of 64 MB then very less log will be produced comparative to the previous concept.
  • To get the data from the server/hadoop, we writes a code in java or python or any other language whose size will be countable in KBs. Then we uplink/upload that data and get the access to our data.
By this now we are about to understand the concept of JobTracker.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


There is a slogan in JAVA Write Once and Read any number of times, but In HADOOP, Write Once Read any number of times and DONT CHANGE THE CONTENT OF FILE (Streaming Access Pattern)

HDFS has 5 services:

  • NameNode
  • Secondary NameNode
  • JobTracker
  • DataNode
  • TaskTracker
  1. First three are the Master Services and rest two are the Slave/Demon Services. We cant see these services working as they all work internally.
  2. Every Master Service can talk to each other and so do Slave Services.
  3. If 'NameNode' is a master node then its corresponding slave node is 'DataNode'. If 'JobTracker' is a master  node then its corresponding slave node is 'TaskTracker'.
  4. One master service can talk to its own slave service but cant talk to another slave service of another master service.
  5. NameNode is act as a Manager which leads the data to store into which sector or which region of storage device.


Now we will about to start an open source framework i.e HADOOP.

What is Hadoop?

Ans: Hadoop is basically a combination of HDFS and MapReduce. Now, Question arises what is "HDFS and MapReduce"? To understand this lets dig up history of HADOOP.

  • It ws founded by Doug Cutting.
  • At the very first place, Google has analysed problems of BIG DATA and to overcome this problem Google proposed a concept of GFS : GOOGLE FILE SYSTEM. GFS is a distributed File System. It is Designed to provide efficient, reliable access to data using large clusters of commodity hardware.
  • Then, MapReduce is introduced after GFS, an updated version of GFS. In this all log files get stored in the Storage devices, processing and generating large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster.
  • In 2003, GFS: Google File System was launched.
  • In 2004, MapReduce was launched.
  • In 2006-07, HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System was launched.
  • In 2007-08,  Mapreduce (is the technique to process the files in HDFS) was launched.
  • HDFS: Hadoop Distributed File System is the technique to store data from commodity hardware.
Why Hadoop is termed as 'Hadoop'? and What is the reason behind its Elephant symbol?

Ans: Its answer is really insane but this is true, Doug Cutting child was playing with his toy(Elephant shaped toy) whose name was 'Hadoop'. From this Cutting named it Hadoop with Elephant symbol.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Why? & What?


Big Data analytics and Apache Hadoop open source project are rapidly emerging as the preferred solution to address business and technology trends that are disrupting traditional data management and processing.

Enterprises can gain a competitive advantage by being early adopters of  big data analytics.


There are mainly 3 segments which we will discuss here those are:

  • GFS
  • HDFS
  • MapReduce

In Industries

Big Data has provided many opportunities to the Small as well as Giant MNCs in the field of Financial Services, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Retail, Media and Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Advertising & Public Relations, Energy and Government.

  1. Retail
  • CRM-Customer Scoring
  • Store Sitting and Layout
  • Fraud Detection/Prevention
  • Supply Chain Optimization
     2. Financial Services

  • Algorithmic Trading
  • Risk Analysis
  • Fraud Detection
  • Portfolio Analysis
     3. Manufacturing

  • Product Research
  • Engineering Analysis
  • Process & Quality Analysis
  • Distribution Optimization
     4. Government

  • Market Governance 
  • Counter-Terrorism
  • Econometrics
  • Health Informatics
     5. Advertising & Public Relations

  • Demand Signaling
  • Ad Targeting
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Customer Acquisition
      6. Media & Telecommunications

  • Network Optimization
  • Customer Scoring
  • Churn Prevention
  • Fraud Prevention
      7. Energy

  • Smart Grid
  • Exploration
      8. Healthcare & Life Sciences

  • Pharmaco-Genomics
  • Bio-Informatics
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Clinical Outcomes Research

Friday, 15 May 2015

Techniques( Big Data)

When Big-Data is really a hard problem?

  • When the operations on data are complex:
                   Simple counting is not a complex problem Modelling  and Reasoning with data of different kinds can get extremely complex.

  • Good news about Big-Data:
                   Often, because of vast amount of data, modelling techniques can get simpler(e.g. smart counting can replace complex model based analytics) as long as we deal with scale.

What matters when dealing with data?

  • Research areas (such as IR, KDD, ML, NLP, SemWeb, etc) are subcubes within the data cube.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Tools typically used in Big-Data scenarios

  • NoSQL: DatabasesMongoDB, CouchDB, Cassandra, Redics, BigTable, Hbase, Hypertable, Voldemort, Riak, Zookeeper
  • MapReduce: Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Cascading, Cascading, Cascalog, mrjob, Caffeine, S4, MapR, Acunu, Flume, Kafka, Azkaban, Oozie, Greenplum
  • Storage: S3, Hadoop Distributed File System
  • Servers: EC2, Google App Engine, Elastic, Beanstalk, Heroku
  • Processing: R, Yahoo! Pipes, Mechanical Turk, Solr/Lucene, ElasticSearch, Datameer, Bigsheets, Tinkerpop

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Characterization of 'Big Data': Volume,Velocity,Variety(V3)

Big Data is characterized into three main Vs i.e. 
  • Volume
  • Velocity
  • Variety
Understand the statistics below:


Smart data is not big data. A link is attached Click here  to understand this.

What is Big Data?

Now a days, as the size of organisation is extending the concept of BIG DATA has became a 'Trending_Topic'. This is essential for big organizations and enterprises that deals with Terabytes, Petabytes and Exabytes of data.

Big Data can be defined as

"extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions."

'Big Data'-A Boon for Organisation
Here are some real-world examples of Big Data in action:

  • Consumer product companies and retail organizations are monitoring social media like Facebook and Twitter to get an unprecedented view into customer behavior, preferences, and product perception.

  • Manufacturers are monitoring minute vibration data from their equipment, which changes slightly as it wears down, to predict the optimal time to replace or maintain. Replacing it too soon wastes money; replacing it too late triggers an expensive work stoppage
  • Manufacturers are also monitoring social networks, but with a different goal than marketers: They are using it to detect aftermarket support issues before a warranty failure becomes publicly detrimental.
  • The government is making data public at both the national, state, and city level for users to develop new applications that can generate public good. 
  • Financial Services organizations are using data mined from customer interactions to slice and dice their users into finely tuned segments. This enables these financial institutions to create increasingly relevant and sophisticated offers.
  • Advertising and marketing agencies are tracking social media to understand responsiveness to campaigns, promotions, and other advertising mediums.
  • Insurance companies are using Big Data analysis to see which home insurance applications can be immediately processed, and which ones need a validating in-person visit from an agent.
  • By embracing social media, retail organizations are engaging brand advocates, changing the perception of brand antagonists, and even enabling enthusiastic customers to sell their products.
  • Hospitals are analyzing medical data and patient records to predict those patients that are likely to seek readmission within a few months of discharge. The hospital can then intervene in hopes of preventing another costly hospital stay.
  • Web-based businesses are developing information products that combine data gathered from customers to offer more appealing recommendations and more successful coupon programs.
  • Sports teams are using data for tracking ticket sales and even for tracking team strategies.