Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Previous Continue: JobTracker

  • JobTracker get heartbeat from TaskTracker in every 3 seconds of time.
  •  If the JobTracker doesn't get the heartbeat properly it will wait for the heartbeat for next 10 heartbeat time(i.e. 30 seconds).
  • If one TaskTracker is down either by not working properly or by getting loads of request from the JobTracker as being the nearest TaskTracker to the JobTracker, then the JobTracker sends the request to the other TaskTracker which can be a bit away from the JobTracker so as to complete the task.
  • We maintain high reliable systems for JobTracker also.
  • As many number of splits will be there....those many numbers of mappers will be there.
  • As many numbers of reducers will be there... those many numbers of outputs will be there.